Engineer and brother of Mayor Jadue will assume leadership within the Subtel

Engineer Juan Pablo Jadue, brother of the mayor of Recoleta and Communist Party (PC) militant Daniel Jadue, will assume a position within the organizational structure of the Undersecretariat of Telecommunications (Subtel) during the government of President Gabriel Boric.
According to a statement issued from Subtel, the professional will serve as head of the Department of Technological Development of the Administration and Finance Division of the agency under the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications, led by Minister Juan Carlos Muñoz.
“The decision was made to hire the professional, whose curriculum and experience responds to the needs demanded by the aforementioned position,” they point out from the Subtel.

Juan Pablo Jadue is an Engineer in Computing and Informatics from the University of Santiago de Chile and a Master in Business Management and Administration from the Universitat Jaume I de Castellón in Spain. In addition, he has worked in companies such as Intralot, Bellsouth, Virgin Mobile and his last position was that of Corporate Projects Manager of Claro Chile.
According to Radio Biobío, Jadue will receive a gross salary amounting to 4.2 million pesos, in the leadership that, as explained from the Subtel, was vacant since March 7 of this year, after his predecessor submitted his resignation.
The Subtel said that in addition “a call for public tender is being developed for this and 13 other positions of third hierarchical level that, until now, are not governed by this modality.” These calls will be published in the National Directorate of the Civil Service, once the Comptroller’s Office approves the respective bases.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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