“Angel wings”; Hubble captures impressionate collision of galaxies

The space telescope of the United States Aerospace Agency (NASA), Hubble captured two galaxies merging into the VV689 system that has been nicknamed “Angel Wings”, for the figure it assimilates. Through a statement the European Space Agency (ESA), explained that this collision unlike the casual alignments of galaxies that only seem to overlap in perspective from the view from Earth.The two galaxies, which form VV689 are in the middle of a collision. This interaction leaves the system almost completely symmetrical, simulating as if it were a vast set of galaxies. This image captured by the Hubble Space Telescope was generated from a set of observations, in which the most important aspects of the Galaxy Zoo citizen project are inspected.This project intends to form a joint cooperation of thousands of volunteers to classify galaxies so that astronomers can navigate an avalanche of robotic telescopic data. Thus, during the research of these volunteers, several strange and wonderful galaxies were discovered, and some of them without prior research. Read more: Ultimate Guide to Freeing Up Your iPhone Space and Having More MemoryFor this reason based on the nature of the Galaxy Zoo project, observations were chosen through approximately 18,000 votes cast in public, where galaxies with ring shapes, spirals, unusual and the merged ones like VV689 were selected. Tourist boat collides with whale in La Paz, BCS; there are 6 injured

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