AMLO wants to destroy the INE with electoral reform

The senator of the PAN, Kenia López Rabadán, accused President AMLO of wanting to “destroy the INE” with the electoral reform that this April 28, 2022 will be sent to the Chamber of Deputies, and that proposes the replacement of the National Electoral Institute, among other changes. Through her official Twitter account, Kenia López said that Andrés Manuel López Obrador “has already taken off his mask”, because he considers that his electoral reform aims to “destroy the INE”, democracy and the opposition of Mexico.In addition, the PAN senator sent a message to the AMLO government and assured that the electoral reform “will not pass” in the Congress of the Union, where it needs the votes of two-thirds of legislators for approval. Read more: This is how the INE will be if AMLO’s electoral reform is approved”AMLO’s mask has already been removed. Today he already said what his concept of “transformation” is. What he wants is to destroy the INE, democracy, the opposition, those who want a better country. The electoral reform WILL NOT HAPPEN, WE WILL NOT LET IT DESTROY MEXICO!” said López Rabadán about the electoral reform. Previously, the PAN leadership had warned that its caucuses will vote against the electoral reform, in addition to the fact that they are preparing another reform to strengthen and “shield” the INE and the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF).  The PAN senator lashed out at AMLO for presenting the electoral reform. Image: Screenshot from Twitter The PAN members have described AMLO’s electoral reform as an attack on the INE and the TEPJF, so in their proposals they will seek to “curb the authoritarianism” of President López Obrador with various measures such as prohibiting his morning conferences during the electoral period, putting limits on contracts by direct award and determining new criminal types for political persecution. What does the electoral reform propose? In La Mañanera on Thursday, April 28, the AMLO government presented the key points of the electoral reform, which proposes the replacement of the INE by the National Institute of Elections and Consultations, which will have 7 councilors who will be elected by the citizens and proposed by the three Powers of the Union.Read more: 24 mmdp will be saved with the reduction of plurinominals: AMLO’s government for electoral reformThe initiative also proposes the elimination of plurinominal deputies and senators from the federal and state Congress, which would represent a saving of 24 billion pesos, according to the federal government. In the same way, it seeks to disappear the state electoral bodies and the local electoral tribunals, as well as to reduce the budget to the political parties, granting them resources only for electoral processes and not permanently, among other changes.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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