Vanessa Claudio reveals how ‘toxic’ Carlos Arenas was

Vanessa Claudio, the beautiful former host of the morning program Venga La Alegría, revealed intimate secrets of the relationship she had with the also former VLG host, Carlos Arenas, because she said that part of what caused her breakup was the “great toxicity” of the presenter originally from Mexico City.This was confirmed by the Puerto Rican in a round of questions on the virtual YouTube program “Pinky Promise” with Karla Díaz, after he will be questioned about from 1 to 10 how toxic Carlos Arenas was.” The toxicity was a lot, I’ve said it quite a few times. YES he was crazy, he would get up one day and say; ‘I know you’re going to do something to me today’ and I stopped talking to you, I was jealous of the wind, it was that I had to wear shorts under my skirt, I couldn’t, it was toxic,” revealed Vanessa Claudio.She added that having lived this situation is something truly embarrassing for her, because at first when she met him she had a lot of fun, period change when sustaining a relationship. He said he met two ex-girlfriends of Carlos Arenas, who also claimed to have lived through this nightmare of jealousy and toxicity.” I feel sorry, I first knew him as a friend and I liked him super well and laughed a lot, he can say what he wants about me, but I met two of his ex-girlfriends and it was like hearing my own story in the voices of other women,” she recalled. Vanessa Claudio pointed out that their relationship was always from bad to worse, because even the issue came to have consequences within Venga La Alegría. In this sense he recalled that on one occasion Ricardo zealed her during a broadcast in the game without words, because she was placed in four points during the dynamic. That day it was my turn, Chihuahua from Beverly Hills, and what I do is that I put myself as a dog… and at the moment I turn and I was already with a carota and I go to the cabin, and he tells me that because I put myself in that safe position the driver in front was already looking at me, “lamented Vanessa who considered that living these situations “was horrible”. Read more: Alejandro Nones refuses to talk about his alleged courtship with Geraldine BazánIf he mentioned that this situation was very sad for her, he assured that he does not hold a grudge against Carlos, despite the fact that he cannot “see her even in painting”, because he considered that healing the heart is a personal task.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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