Balenciaga launched a model of broken shoes and memes did not take long to arrive

The exclusive international clothing brand Balenciaga made headlines in recent days for a peculiar item that makes up its new collection: shoes that look completely broken, worn and looking dirty. This is the Paris Sneaker model, a limited edition design that according to its website is already available for purchase. The price ranges from $495 to $625, depending on the model.

On the left, the brand’s campaign, on the right, the model that is actually marketed

The truth is that the campaign that promotes the product exaggerates to the maximum the concept of “broken, dirty and worn” but, when you enter the web to see in detail the shoes that are really marketed, they are neither so dirty nor so worn. From the brand explained that the idea was to redesign a “classic” with a “worn” appearance, to make the idea that they are “for life” and at the same time issue a message that sought to take the debate towards responsible consumption in the industry and circular fashion. Despite this last point, the launch of the Paris Sneaker generated a wave of comments and criticism of the prestigious brand that, despite being one of the most luxurious in the world, offers a rather controversial model. There was also no shortage of memes and jokes among Internet users who put all their creativity at the service of this news.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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