Subcontracted workers of Enap marched in Hualpén in the face of breaches of the company to resolve labor demands

Subcontracted workers of Enap carried out march and demonstration during this morning in the Costanera de Hualpén with Av. Las Golondrinas, after accusation of absence by the company to the negotiating table to resolve the labor demands.
This fact caused great traffic congestion in the place, complicating traffic on one of the routes from Concepción to Talcahuano.

Video via Twitter @renaciendohualp
The workers accuse Enap of unwillingness to solve the problems. The president of Fenatrasub, Víctor Sepúlveda, told Biobío that “Enap has solved absolutely nothing in two weeks of conflict.”
Through a statement, Fenatrasub accused Enap of absenting himself from a meeting scheduled for Friday, May 15, established by the Labor Directorate, released on Thursday, May 14, in his capacity as mediator of this matter.
The Labor Directorate again summoned a dialogue table for Saturday 15, where again the representatives of Enap did not appear, as mentioned in the Fenatrasub statement, where they took advantage of anticipating their mobilization of this day.

🟢⚫️ STATEMENT response to indicated by ENAP today. Mobilization continues.
— FENATRASUB Chile (@fenatrasub) May 14, 2022

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