Corn threshing records a 10% advance: AARSP

Guasave, Sinaloa.- Although it is a small advance that is made in the threshing of corn, expectations regarding the yield are good, said the president of the Association of Farmers of the Sinaloa Poniente River.He added that in the coming week a strong campaign will be carried out against the burning of soca. Trillas Jesús Rojo Plascencia, president of AARSP, reported that so far as an association they have not had any reports of producers with significant losses. On the contrary, he pointed out that there are good comments regarding performance.” It’s already started, you hear good feedback, there are good crop yields. I’ve had talks of 11 to 13 tons, but it’s the first maize that’s threshing right now.” He explained that these usually do not have such good yields because they are not on optimal dates, but that producers are happy with the results obtained so far. Rojo Plascencia indicated that so far an advance of only 10 percent of the threshing floors is taken approximately and that it will be from this coming week that the works could already be generalized. Campaign The president of the AARSP announced that next week there will be some talks about what is the burning of soca.” It is a campaign that is coming very strong against the burning of soca; here we had a report of a property in which they burned soca for the side of Palos Blancos, San Rafael, in that area, but we are going to be very attentive to that.” We recommend you read: He said he agreed that a strong hand should be applied, because this bad practice can affect standing crops, in addition to damaging the soil, the environment and being a risk. Drought scourges Sinaloa

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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