Governor of Sonora proposes that confiscated weapons pass to police

The governor of Sonora, Alfonso Durazo, proposed to the federal government that the weapons seized by the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) be delivered to municipal police for use by their elements.
Durazo made this statement during the morning press conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, which was held this Friday in Cajeme, Sonora. 
There, he pointed out that weapons such as those recently seized in Navojoa could pass to municipal corporations to strengthen their capacities, if adjustments were made to current regulations.

“We were proposing in the State Security Board, president, that by virtue of that character, if they were new weapons, which have not been used, which have no history, they could, after a process with the Ministry of National Defense, be destined to some municipal bodies,” Durazo told the media.
“At this moment the law establishes that (the weapons) must be destroyed, but make a proposal for a normative modification so that under certain guidelines they could be used.” 
“Well, my general, the proposal has already been made public, now I have to ask you to analyze it to see if we can conclude with a procedure that allows us to have those weapons,” he added, addressing the head of the Sedena, Luis Cresencio Sandoval.

In response, the general said the issue would have to be analyzed.
“We have a significant amount, to date, safeguarded, at the disposal of the public ministries, but, well, we could do the analysis and see how we can comply with this,” Sandoval said.
Sonora is one of the states in the country with the highest number of homicides, attributed to the activity of organized crime groups.
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Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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