Registration for the “My Piece” program is reopened: how to register and where to download the ReNaBap Family Housing Certificate?

As of this Monday, the registration form is enabled to participate in the “My Piece” program promoted by the Ministry of Social Development of the Nation. This is the fourth draw that is made of the benefit destined to women, over 18 years of age who must be residents of a Popular Neighborhood of RENABAP and have the Family Housing Certificate of ANSES. The benefit is $ 240,000 without refund and already has an online form available on the official website of the ministry. It should be noted that applicants who registered for the program previously do not have to do so again since those women who registered and went through the corresponding validations, but who were not selected in the previous calls, will be automatically included. How to sign up to participate in the My Piece program?
All women over 18 years of age who are residents of a Popular Neighborhood of RENABAP and have the ANSES Family Housing Certificate can be registered through the website: the form they must complete their personal data: name, surname, CUIT / CUIL, place of residence, among others. Registration requirements

Be a woman over 18 years old
Living in a popular neighborhood of RENABAP
Have the Family Housing Certificate available in My ANSES (it does not need to be printed)

What is the ANSES Family Housing Certificate and how to obtain it?
The Family Housing Certificate allows all the neighbors of a Popular Neighborhood to accredit their domicile before any authority to request public services, the certificate corresponds to all the households that participated in the National Survey of Popular Neighborhoods (RENABAP). To obtain it is necessary:
Enter My ANSES with CUIL and Social Security Key
Select the option “Management” – ReNaBaP Certificate-
Modify data in those cases in which a change needs to be updated;
Then you must click on “Save” for the request to become effective

In case of living in a popular neighborhood and not having been surveyed, the page will give the option of “Request survey”, and they will approach as soon as possible to register it. 
In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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