Pilot ends up with minor injuries after plane crash in Melipilla

On Wednesday afternoon, the fall of a light single-engine plane was reported at approximately 4:40 p.m. in plot No. 18, Las Tinajas sector in Codigua, commune of Melipilla.
According to La Tercera, the pilot is a student who was doing an internship in the sector. After the accident he was left with minor injuries and was transferred to the Melipilla Hospital.
Meanwhile, the Second Company of the Fire Department of Melipilla through Twitter, reported that “this afternoon our RX-2 together with H-3 and B-6 worked in a plane that hoods with subsequent fire, with an occupant with minor injuries evaluated by SAMU personnel, in Las Tinajas sector, Codigua”.

This afternoon our RX-2 along with H-3 and B-6 worked in a small plane that canopy with subsequent fire, with an occupant with minor injuries evaluated by SAMU personnel, in Las Tinajas sector, Codigua. pic.twitter.com/AoL8v4GJUG
— Second Company of C.B. de Melipilla (@2daCiaMelipilla) May 25, 2022

On the other hand, the General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC) said that officials of the institution went to the accident sector to investigate the causes.

Then, Colonel Carlos Rojas, prefect of the Santiago Costa Prefecture, said that “Carabineros is constituted in this particular property, following a plane crash suffered by a pilot. For reasons that are investigated, the pilot loses control of the aircraft and capotó in this sector. Fortunately, he manages to get out by his means.”

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