Quilmes: Mayra Mendoza published a disclaimer for the allegations of money laundering

Mayra Mendoza published on her social networks an extensive disclaimer in relation to the cause she has initiated by payments to cooperatives that would have gone to associations chaired by municipal officials, with supposed final destination in offshore accounts. In the video that Mendoza published, he assured that there was no money laundering by his management through cooperatives that carry out cleaning and care of public spaces in Quilmes.Mendoza said that he effectively hired cooperatives to perform the maintenance tasks of the municipality. “We do these works with cooperatives because when we started the management, in the area of parks and walks there were only 23 people to perform tasks in more than 150 green spaces, so I decided to continue with the cooperatives that work in the municipality since 2009,” he explained. In addition, he denied that the cooperatives are related to officials of their management or relatives of the same and added: “They carry out water works, sewers, cleaning of streams, small urban interventions and the maintenance of around 30 points of Quilmes. This month represents an investment of $ 42,382,000, this amount includes trucks, equipment, supplies and personnel. ”

In relation to the media, the mayor camporista said that they seek to “dirty us” and “hinder” the work they carry out in the municipality. “Since we took over the management I was denounced for VIP vaccinations, absolutely false. They defamed Solano’s celebration commission and the artists who participated in that event, they messed with my daughter lying about the educational establishment she attends,” Mendoza summarized in terms of the “media operation” that the media carry out against their management. Journalists and media owners respond to interests that are not those of the residents of Quilmes. I do take care of the interests of my neighbors, they have others, it would be good to know what interests they respond to to lie as unpunished about us as they do,” Mendoza said. In turn, she explained: “Therefore, the first thing I did before this media operation was to denounce myself, yes, to denounce myself, so that an investigation can be initiated, because I am the first interested in knowing the truth. I am confident that justice will be done.” The mayor highlighted: “It is false that the money of the taxpayers of Quilmes went to an account in the United States. I did not have or have an account abroad. My assets are in Argentina and declared since 2009.” Case against Mayra Mendoza
The alleged crimes for which the intendant will be investigated in the federal justice of Quilmes are fraud against the public administration, embezzlement, breach of the duties of a public official, negotiations incompatible with the public function and money laundering. Mendoza is already accused by the federal justice of Quilmes in the case that investigates the management of funds for cooperatives that would have gone to associations chaired by municipal officials, with alleged final destination in offshore accounts. In addition to the mayor, the indictment includes Sebastián Raspa (former undersecretary of Habitat, who resigned when the fact was disseminated and was listed as the owner of cooperatives that received funds from the municipality), Martín Bordalejo (former official and lawyer), José Alejandro Scozzari (partner of Raspa and Bordalejo in an offshore firm).

Original source in Spanish

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