Misophonia: the rare neurological disease suffered by Natalia Oreiro

The actress revealed that she suffers from a neurological disease called “misophonia”, which is a rare chronic disorder that causes those who suffer from irritability, anger or stress when perceiving noises that for other people may be habitual. The sound of a dripping faucet, the noise of a bird’s song in the distance or the noise of a pen when writing can unleash these bad times in patients suffering from the disease.” I have a theme that I have with certain noises that people generate and cause me anxiety. Since I was a child it makes me feel very vulnerable. When people discharge anxiety with some repetitive movement, people with misophonia absorb that anxiety,” explained Natalia Oreiro in relation to misophonia. The disease that Oreiro suffers from is a neurological disorder that affects a low percentage of the world’s population and has no cure. Nor is there a medical explanation for those who suffer from it, although some specialists believe that it could be explained by a psychological cause, other experts deny it and so far there is no certainty about it.” When people discharge anxiety with some repetitive movement, people with misophonia absorb that anxiety,” the Iosi actress added. Misophonia, also known as Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome (SSS), is sensitivity to certain sound patterns. Most people with misophonia find the repetitive sounds of everyday life irritating. As a consequence of the disease, those who suffer from misophonia may react violently and impulsively and have a fit of anger, anxiety or run away without possible logical explanation when hearing sounds such as: a person chewing gum, eating or even the noise of a pen writing.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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