Two young people responsible for the attack on Titian Gravier, the son of Valeria Mazza, arrested

They arrested two young men, accused of Tiziano Gravier, the son of Valeria Mazza and businessman Alejandro Gravier; According to judicial sources reported to Télam, these are two young people of 26 and 27 years old, identified by the Public Ministry of the Accusation (MPA) by their acronym as J.M and F.Z, who voluntarily presented themselves at the Criminal Justice Center of this city of Santa Fe.

Both were detained at the disposal of prosecutor Rodrigo Santana, who is investigating the assault that took place on Sunday, when Gravier was at the bowling alley located between Avenida Francia and Brown, to pick up two friends. The young man, an alpine ski athlete, was in the city of Rosario since he had previously celebrated the birthday of his grandmother who lives in that area. The defendants will be formally charged “in the coming days”, for the crime of “serious intentional injuries”. The young people surrendered to the Justice after this morning the local police raided a house located on Calvo Street at 1500, in the town of Funes. In that domilicio, they found “material of interest to the cause.”

According to what transpired, the two young men intercepted him when he was unprepared, after calling him “Tincho”, alluding to his social class. Everything happened in front of a police mobile – which according to the testimony of the friends, did not intervene or get involved – and the images of the security cameras have already been disseminated.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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