FGE apprehends alleged Femicide of Fabiola Vianey “L”

Los Mochis, Sinaloa.- For the crimes of Feminicide, and Crimes related to the disappearance of people in order to hide the commission of a crime, committed against Fabiola Vianey “L” luis Carlos ‘S” was apprehended in the city of Los Mochis, Sinaloa.Fabiola Vianey was reported missing to the Regional Deputy Prosecutor’s Office North Zone where Protocol Alba was activated for her search, from this Saturday, June 18, so immediately investigations were initiated to find its possible location, being some video recordings of premises near where it was last seen that it was detected that she had gotten into a car. The property of this unit was identified and turned out to be the mother of Luis Carlos “S” who was the one who drove it. As a result of the interviews, he confessed that the woman was dead and her body was inside his home in Colonia Centro by Callejón Juan de la Barrera. In order to enter the house, personnel of the Public Ministry asked the judge for a search warrant which was granted in the early hours of this Sunday that could enter investigation personnel and experts to the place where the woman’s body was located. According to the necropsy, Fabiola Vianey had between 24 and 36 hours of having lost her life as a result of asphyxiation due to obstruction of the airways due to a fracture of the hyoid bone, edema and hemorrhage of the larynx and secondary trachea trauma at the level of the neck and production by blunt mechanism. We recommend you read: Luis Carlos “S” was executed an arrest warrant under case 276/2022, which was issued on Sunday afternoon, with which the alleged person responsible for Feminicide and Crimes linked to the disappearance of people in order to hide the commission of a crime, was admitted to the Goros II prison where it is waiting for a date and time to be set for celebration of Initial Hearing.

Original source in Spanish

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