The Corpus Christi procession returns after two years in Guadalajara, Jalisco

Beginning of the Mass celebrated by Corpus Christi outside the temple El Expiatorio Andrea Ávila.

Moment of the consecration of the host Andrea Ávila.

Faithful gathered in front of the temple El Expiatorio for the celebration of corpus christi Andrea Ávila.

Moment in which the ostensory is placed to start the procession Andrea Ávila.

Arrival of the procession to the Cathedral of Guaalajara Andrea Ávila.

Moment of the consecration of the host Andrea Ávila.

Transport in which the ostensory Andrea Ávila was taken.

Faithful gathered in front of the Expiatory Andrea Ávila.

Woman receiving the sacrament of communion Andrea Ávila.

Moment in which the custody Andrea Ávila is placed.

Advance of the procession through Corpus Christi, through the streets of Guadalajara, the faithful prayed, sang and cheered Jesus Andrea Avila.

Moment of veneration to the Eucharist, when the custody arrives at the Cathedral of Guadalajara Andrea Ávila.

Faithful gathered in front of the Cathedral of Guadalajara Andrea Ávila.

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Original source in Spanish


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