Alberto Fernández will sign an agreement to add class hours in Tucumán

President Alberto Fernández will meet today with authorities of Tucumán in Casa Rosada to sign an agreement and thus add class hours in the province. The meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. and will feature the participation of the deputy governor in office of the Governor’ Office, Osvaldo Jaldo; and the Ministers of Education of the Nation, Jaime Perczyk; and from Tucumán, Juan Pablo Lichtmajer.Already at the beginning of the year, the head of Education at the national level had expressed his intention to “form work tables with the different sectors, such as unions, teachers and the ministries of Education of the provinces, to advance with the extension of hours and bring the school day to a floor of 25 hours a week”.

In that sense, Perczyk had stressed that “86% of students only have four hours of class a day” and had remarked that “the extension to 25 hours a week of the school day implies a school cycle with 38 more days of class and raises the floor to narrow the gap between those who have a simple and extended day.” However, the Confederation of Education Workers of the Argentine Republic (CTERA) rejected the measure. In this way, they were against “any modification of the educational system that violates labor rights, implies an overload in the teaching work and is not oriented towards the qualification of the educational system.”
In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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