Eduardo Valdés: “98% of the people who receive a plan work”

The national deputy of the Frente de Todos (FdT), Eduardo Valdés, said today the “98% of the people who receive a social plan work”, and remarked that these beneficiaries often “carry out the jobs that others do not want to do”. In this sense, the legislator supported the project promoted to establish a Universal Basic Salary and considered that in the controversy over the administration of social plans “it is wrong to call them non-genuine work,” in statements to Diputados TV. In addition, he pointed out that “I like the initiative of the Universal Basic Wage, as I like everything that raises the floor of dignity of the population,” and made a historical tour of the social movements: “The social emergency of Argentina, and the crisis of 2001 penetrated very deep,” he said.

“The surgeons in the city, back then, went from five thousand to 125 thousand. They were the ones who rummaged through the garbage. At that moment the need for them to organize emerges and we presented the law so that the police would stop repressing those who looked for material in the garbage to recover and recycle. There are cooperatives that managed to attack problems such as paco in places where the State does not reach,” he said. Finally, he concluded: “The cartoneros were the first to organize themselves into cooperatives within the framework of that reality; there social movements emerge and now we are going to an institutional stage with the Universal Basic Wage”.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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