Trailer with migrants passed two checkpoints in the U.S.; there are three detainees

Francisco Garduño, commissioner of the National Institute of Migration (INM), reported that the trailer in which 67 migrants were traveling, of which 51 died, passed through two checkpoints in Encinal and Cotulla, Texas, before it was abandoned, so the way in which the filters passed and the origin of the vehicle are already being investigated.
“The trailer passed the immigration checkpoints of the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP), where it was captured by security cameras at 2:50 p.m. on Monday, June 27 in El Encinal, Texas, 56 kilometers from the border and also in Cotulla, Texas, 109 kilometers from the border,” Garduño said.
He explained that he was later parked 235 kilometers from the border with Mexico and 50 kilometers from San Antonio, Texas. Hypothetically, he was stationed in a town in the Rio Grande Valley of the United States, texas.

At the point of Encinar a photograph was taken of the driver of the trailer; however, he advanced towards his detsino.
There are three detainees
During the morning conference, the official announced that the driver has already been identified, who wanted to pose as one of the migrants traveling in the box of the trailer.
“The driver was identified as Homer ‘N’, who tried to pose as one of the survivors, so he was arrested with two other alleged perpetrators,” he said.

The other two people arrested were identified as being of Mexican origin, Juan Francisco “N” and Juan Claudio “N”, who were accused of possessing weapons while in the United States.
“For having the same address as the state registry of the truck and during a judicial review, weapons were found. The National Institute of Migration does not have immigration records of these people, these two of Mexican origin are found irregularly, therefore it is a crime to carry weapons in the United States,” he said.
According to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the three people were arrested for human trafficking and homicide.
Francisco Garduño said that the team of the Attorney General’s Office and migration “will contribute to the investigations of the federal authorities of the United States to identify the network of human traffickers responsible for this tragedy.”
The latest report from the authorities indicates that there are 51 dead, 39 women and 12 men.
Regarding their nationalities, 27 are Mexican, 14 Honduran, seven Guatemalan, two Salvadorans and a body pending identification.
Still 16 migrants are hospitalized: three are of Mexican origin and 13 of other nationalities.
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Original source in Spanish

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