Los Mochis, Sinaloa. A person traveling on a motorcycle was hit in different parts of the body after it was rammed by a truck in the vicinity of the Lázaro Cárdenas sector in Mazatlan, Sinaloa.The accident occurred at the intersection of Doroteo Arango Street and Agustín Alley Melgar.De gone to the information obtained, the motorcyclist was circulating on the Doroteo Arango, from north to south, while a Cherokee van moved from south to north on the same street. Upon reaching the height of the alley, the Cherokee allegedly tried to turn around, so she rammed the motorcyclist; he subsequently fled. Some people who were at a party in front of the crash site came to help the motorcyclist and gave notice to the emergency number. Traffic agents implemented an operation and managed to arrest the driver of the Cherokee blocks later. We recommend you read: The injured was transferred to a private clinic for medical attention. Closing reporter of the Police section of Los Mochis. Graduated from the Higher Technological Institute of Los Mochis in the career of Engineering in Teleinformatics. He joined EL DEBATE for the first time in March 2013, as a spell checker. Later he joined the Police area. He participated in the course given by the General Directorate of Public Security on the New Accusatory Criminal Justice System, aimed at reporters of the red note. See more

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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