And God’s clock appeared

Daylight saving time was born in the post-war period, in Germany, in 1916 even during the First World War, and ending this, in 1918, it was assumed by the United States, as an efficient energy saving mechanism. In the 70s it was already implemented in almost the entire developed world and many other countries. The idea was to take better advantage, in terms of energy, of sunlight, especially in Europe and North America, regions far removed from the Equator and with important modifications regarding the length of the day in the different seasons. That was also the reason why it was implemented in Mexico, during the government of Ernesto Zedillo, in addition to allowing coordination of schedules with the United States and other countries in terms of trade and services. It was not a political reason as was said yesterday, it was a decision based on energy and the economy. The opposition to it was ridiculous: the arguments of that time against it are well remembered, for example, that this schedule made it difficult for some legislators their routine “morning”. But the truth is that it was a successful measure that did mean energy savings and also allowed a better coordination of schedules with our main commercial partners. This time Rocío Nahle, the Secretary of Energy who yesterday declared that, in the energy aspect, with technological changes and the notable improvement of household appliances in energy consumption, is right, that saving has been decreasing and with it the efficiency of daylight saving time has decreased. It is also absolutely true that people do not like the change of schedule and find it difficult to accept it, except in countries where seasonal changes are very marked. Even our trading partners, the United States and the European Community are considering cancelling daylight saving time for 2023 or 2024. In both the energy and commercial directions, the federal government is right to move forward with that annulment for next year. What does not make sense and speaks a lot about how they present themselves and make decisions, is what was said by the Secretary of Health, Jorge Alcocer, to end daylight saving time. I have no doubt that modifying an hour, forward or backward, the daily schedule can have effects with what are called circardian rhythms, the natural cycles of physical, mental and behavioral changes that the body experiences every 24 hours, and that are mainly affected by light and dark. But from there to the Secretary of Health of a country assures that “we must not fight against the biological clock. It is advisable to return to the standard time, which is when the sundial coincides with the social clock. God’s clock,” there is a huge distance. There is no clock of God, the time uses are and have been defined by men and therefore are, in fact, a social creation, not divine. Adding that the change of schedule causes not only drowsiness, heart attacks, depressions, suicides and many other evils is still speculation. Anyone who has lived in another country knows that we all adapt to new schedules, new routines. The jet lag of a long flight is removed in a few days, in the worst case, and the change of an hour, does not cause heart attacks, or suicides, much less has something to do with God. It is an invention of men. Germany was the first country to impose daylight saving time, followed by the United States, in both cases more than a century ago, and probably in both will be modified that regulation but it is not because that rule has caused suicides or heart attacks or lower school achievement, but for social and economic reasons, as has been said. President López Obrador never liked daylight saving time, nor did more than 60 percent of the population. If daylight saving time is ended next year, it’s because that will mean votes and endorsements because most people will approve of it. It is basically a political decision, which, moreover, today does not affect either energy or economically, the two reasons why in 1996 it was imposed. Let us leave God and his watch alone and be, even in speech, a little more rational in decision-making. Of course, perhaps there is talk of God’s clock because things are not exactly right between the government and the Catholic Church, perhaps that is why rumors also arise about reversing, from the government, the rights of women regarding abortion. But that’s speculation. Alito and AMLO President López Obrador said the way in which the house of Alejandro Moreno, Alito, the national president of the PRI, in Campeche, was searched had been “outraged.” He is right, it is a politically and judicially unworthy way, as it is illegal for Governor Layda Sansores to publicly disclose audios and videos recorded in foClandestine rma. Alito is one of the worst leaders that the PRI has had in years, nor is he an example of legality and transparent management of resources, but that is another issue. If he committed crimes he must be charged by them and in any case tried. Their political inadequacies, many, must be resolved by the PRI members themselves, not by some political rivalry. What many are wondering is whether, in the end, Alito’s defense was given by principles or because it is in the interest of Q4 that he continue as leader of the PRI.

Original source in Spanish

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