Confirmed! Mario Castañeda will be in charge of the Latin dubbing of Gokú in Dragon Ball Super

After a long wait, the longing of the Dragon Ball fan community in Latin America is now a reality. It has officially been confirmed that Gokú’s voice will be dubbed into Latin Spanish by voice actor Mario Castañeda. After a year of having been released in Japan the new saga of Dragon Ball, Latin American fans were waiting for the official announcement of those in charge of dubbing the voices into Spanish. It was Mario Castañeda himself who, to the joy of the entire public, confirmed the rumor. In a recent interview, the actor said that the meetings with the Company Toei Animation and with the actors of the original dubbing, have been taking place for at least 6 months. These meetings have also served to negotiate a redoubling of ‘Dragon Ball Kai’, a series that did not have the desired impact since many of the voices were not the originals which caused great disappointment among fansIn that sense, Castañeda confirmed that the redubbing work was the priority and, once this was concluded, ‘Dragon Ball Super’ will soon see the light in its dubbed version with all the original voices.We recommend you read: It is only a matter of time before the new chapters of The Z Warriors begin to be dubbed, but, before, work is being done on the final details of editing and mixing the final chapters of Dragon Ball Kai.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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