Appliances that make the electricity bill more expensive: CFE

The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) published the list of appliances that, due to their high consumption of electrical energy, make the bill higher. Undoubtedly, one of the seasons where most electricity is consumed is summer, especially in the northern states of Mexico, where high temperatures make it essential to have air conditioners and fans on most of the day. In fact, the device that causes the price to pay for electricity to skyrocket in the months that comprise the summer is precisely the air conditioning, since it is the one that requires more energy to operate. However, although there is no way to avoid the high energy consumption of air conditioners, the CFE gave certain tips to make their use more optimal and, therefore, not charge so much to the receipt. ” It should be installed away from heat sources such as lamps or the stove, plus it should not give the sun. It is recommended to adjust it to 25º. For every degree less temperature, its energy consumption increases between 4 and 6%,” said the Mexican state company. Meanwhile, the Mexican company recommends that, in order to make efficient and responsible use of electricity, traditional bulbs be replaced by LED bulbs, which have the capacity to save more than 80% of energy, in addition to having a useful life of more than 10 thousand hours. ” Every electrical appliance turned on, no matter how small, adds to the consumption and final payment. Making a conscious and careful use of electrical energy can not only save money, but also helps reduce our energy expenditure as a society and, therefore, our impact on the care of the environment, “said the corporate. We recommend you read: Below is the list of appliances in the home, according to the CFE, that consume more electricity and make you pay more on your bill: Minisplit 1 ton (air conditioning), 7 hours a day, one thousand 844 pesos per two months and 11 thousand 68 pesos per year. Electric grill, 2 hours a week, one thousand 277 pesos per two months and 7 thousand 666 pesos per year. Laundry machine, 4 hours a week, a thousand pesos a two-month period and 6 thousand 56 pesos a year. Dishwasher, 3 hours a day, 282 pesos a two-month period and one thousand 696 pesos a year. Computer, 4 hours a week, 459 pesos a bimestre and 2 thousand 759 pesos a year. Iron, 3 hours a week, 239 pesos a two-month period and one thousand 437 pesos a year. Clothes dryer, 4 hours a week, 238 pesos a two-month period and one thousand 432 pesos a year. Microwave, 30 minutes a day, 47.92 pesos a two-month period and 287 pesos a year. Electric oven, 90 minutes a week, 15 pesos a two-month period and 95 pesos a year. Coffee maker, 35 minutes a day, 39.6 pesos a two-month period and 237.5 pesos a year. Blender, 5 minutes a day, 2.33 pesos a two-month period and 13.98 pesos a year. Hair dryer, 30 minutes (twice a week), 4.26 pesos a two-month period and 25.5 pesos a year. Television, 10 hours a day, 51.91 pesos a two-month period and 311 pesos a year. Vacuum cleaner, 45 minutes (three times a week), 35.9 pesos per two months and 215.6 pesos per year. Wall clock, 24 hours a day, 3.83 pesos a two-month period and 23 pesos a year. Razor, 10 minutes a day, 1.6 pesos a two-month period and 9.58 pesos a year. Toaster of bread, 30 minutes a week, 4.05 pesos a two-month period and 24.28 pesos a year. Sinaloa Deputy Complains About Price of Basic Basket

Original source in Spanish

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