Venezuela’s government would allow Iran to use one million hectares for cultivation

Iran’s deputy minister for economic affairs, Mohsen Kousheshtabar, said Venezuela’s government , led by Nicolas Maduro — will allow Iran to use one million hectares of the Caribbean country for cultivation. This, within the framework of a cooperation between both nations.
Although Kousheshtabar made that statement to the Tasmin agency, the Venezuelan Executive has not confirmed that announcement.
“Such an important plan for offshore cultivation as this reveals that Iran has become so big and strong and has reached such a high level in scientific exchanges,” the Iranian deputy minister said.
“It definitely means the technical knowledge of these (Iranian) companies based on the knowledge that has transcended internationally,” he added.
Recall that Venezuela and Iran signed a 20-year strategic cooperation agreement in “all areas” in June.
“The signing of the 20-year cooperation document is a sign of the willingness of the high authorities of both countries to expand ties in different areas,” Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi said on the occasion.

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