Callejero Fino: “I’m not afraid of dying, but of being forgotten about me”

Simón Natanael Alvarenga is 27 years old and for more than 10 years he has been growing in the world of music. He moved away from football to lean 100% to music and become Callejero Fino.” I think my dad’s absence was what generated like a click of rebellion. Everything that was a “no” is transformed into a yes. I wondered, ‘Why? if everything was fine. Why did my dad die?’ He was my best friend, we talked a lot,” she said of her father’s loss. The artist maintained that he is not afraid of dying: “The only thing I am afraid of is that they will forget about me. That’s why I make music and it seems to me that in that way I will be captured forever. Mostly for my son. For my family. I’m going to stay there. I’m always going to be alive because they’re going to be able to listen to me forever.”

He was sentenced to house arrest for six years and after his departure he played in Luna Park: “My judge told me that I am a unique case in Argentine history. There is no one who has been imprisoned, given a bracelet and has continued with his career. On top I go out and do a Luna Park. It’s re crazy. I was grateful to people, I never imagined it. As I told you before I started, I never imagined that I would be here. I watch these interviews and I love them, I get a lot excited.” His time in prison left him with memories: “There are children who are primary and others who are repeat offenders. Because they are hurt by the treatment, they are taking that grudge and wanting to hurt a primary and not teach them things about what prison is like, because it has a particular way of handling itself and everyone is part of that system. ” The artist never told the reasons for his conviction: “It is something that I would like to talk about more than anything with my mother, who I have not yet talked about. I recently went free and literally, really from the heart, I don’t remember. I have like flashes that come to mind.” “I didn’t regret anything before, but I know I hurt my mom a lot and I’m sorry for making her cry and not laugh.”

He was close to El Noba and spoke about their bond: “We talked a lot. We shared several times, we drank mate with my mom. Lauti always had light, it was a mass. I don’t want to talk much out of respect for the family, but he showed me that he was really a good kid and piola.” If we go to the black box of his life, what is the moment that makes him Callejero Fino?: “I think when I asked my mom if music at some point was going to leave me money and she replied: ‘Do you have doubts?’. There I think I was empowered by a thousand.” Towards the end of the interview the black box opens. An unexpected challenge begins. Week after week a figure will submit to the living room to dialogue and reflect. And you, do you dare to remember what moment made a click in your life?

Original source in Spanish

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