France: they sacrificed the beluga that had been lost in the Seine River

After being stranded for more than a week, the beluga extracted from the Seine River in northern France was slaughtered when it was transported to a place where it should be treated, as studies showed that it no longer had digestive activity and had respiratory problems.” Despite an unprecedented operation to rescue the beluga, we are saddened to announce the death of the cetacean,” the prefecture of Calvados (Normandy, northern France) announced on Twitter on Wednesday. Veterinary studies revealed the very weak situation, and poor respiratory activity of the beluga. The collegiate decision was then made, with the veterinarians, to euthanize her.”

It is worth mentioning that an operational complex had been carried out to extract the lost cetacean from the water. A total of 24 divers and several rescuers needed six hours to get the beluga into the net, placed on a saltwater barge and then taken in a truck to the ocean. The cetacean had been held since Friday in a lock located 70 kilometers northwest of Paris and about 130 kilometers from the mouth of the Seine, where it had been detected on August 2. 

Original source in Spanish


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