Sanction for all competitions to the defender who injured Exequiel Zeballos

The Court of Discipline of AFA resolved to “provisionally suspend for all competitions” the defender of Agropecuario Milton Leyendeker, who yesterday was expelled by the referee Maximiliano Ramírez for the violent infraction committed to the striker of Boca Juniors Exequiel Zeballos.As a result of that infraction, the Boca footballer suffered a fracture of the right ankle from which he was successfully operated tonight. According to sources of the Court, in addition to asking Ramírez for a report, the disciplinary body of the AFA will request a detailed medical report from Boca Juniors regarding the injury of “Changuito” Zeballos.This measure adopted by the Court is exceptional due to the seriousness of the injury suffered by the attacker of the “Xeneize” and is contemplated by regulation, since by uses and customs the player who is expelled in Copa Argentina fulfills the sanction in that same competition and not in those of the usual championships in which they participate. Therefore, when the sanction is defined, Leyendeker must comply with it during the Championship of the First National of which his team is part.

Original source in Spanish


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