They order to delete publications about photos of PRI members

CDMX.- Considering that they constitute political violence based on gender, the Complaints Commission of the INE granted precautionary measures so that 61 publications on the alleged existence of intimate images of deputies of the PRI.Se are deleted from various social networks, it is about 9 publications on Facebook, 10 on Youtube, 39 on Twitter, one on Telegram and two on Zylike that derived from the accusations of the Governor of Campeche, the Morenoite Layda Sansores, who claimed to have in her possession photographs that PRI legislators sent to the national leader of that party, Alejandro Moreno, some of them naked. Unanimously, the electoral councilors also endorsed reducing from 24 to three hours the period for those involved to eliminate the messages. They considered that these are aimed at offending, denouncing, disqualifying and objectifying the deputies and determined appropriate to issue precautionary measures in their aspect of preventive protection, given the risk that these demonstrations continue to be issued. This preventive protection does not apply to Sansores, since similar measures have already been issued by the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation.During the analysis of the project, the president of the Commission, Adriana Favela, indicated that the 61 messages may constitute political violence based on gender because they objectify, sexualize and question the merits of the PRI legislators to occupy the positions they currently hold. The counselor regretted that, in this case, it was a woman who released information that affects other women. He was of the opinion that, even if the Governor of Campeche had knowledge of the alleged images, she should have kept a certain reservation, instead of disseminating the information.” Although the person had actually seen those alleged packs, the truth is that I believe that he should have kept a certain reservation because disseminating it may constitute some type of crime and, above all, be violating what we know as the Olympia Law, but, well, that corresponds to other authorities, “he said. Counselor Claudia Zavala rejected that the messages are protected by the right to freedom of expression and opinion, because through them the PRI members are offended and disqualified.” What is clear is that structures are reproduced that continue to violate women for the fact of being so, with qualifiers that, of course, are not protected by the freedoms of opinion and expression because they offend and disqualify women, “he said. Councillor Ciro Murayama spoke in favour of the publications being removed because access to them can constitute a re-victimisation of female legislators. We recommend you read: Without mentioning the Governor of Campeche, she regretted that there are women who, far from putting themselves at the service of the cause of gender equality, come to incur damages and affectations to others of their gender.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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