Commitment to Professional Technical Education

Positioning Vocational Technical Education (PT) in concrete and real terms, as a source of human capital formation with the fundamental role of promoting the development of productivity, should be the main interest of all the authorities involved in this area.
The Undersecretary of Higher Education, Verónica Figueroa, assured during the Council of Rectors of Vertebral that the government will promote the strengthening of professional technical education and give it a political standard, that is, it will be put on the public agenda.
I consider this to be a great step towards establishing a sector-specific roadmap that involves advancing the existing Qualifications Framework to strengthen the articulation between the training sector and productive needs at national and regional level.
In this month, in which we are celebrating the 80th anniversary of Vocational Technical Education, it is important to consider that, according to data from the Higher Education Information Service (SIES), 58% of the enrollment of the first year 2022 corresponds to technical-professional careers.
In this sense, the relevance of this subsystem that opens up opportunities for personal and social development must be recognized, but that needs the support of all the institutions that deliver TP education and the government.
An inclusive financing plan is therefore required to carry out the actions, both instrumental and academic, involved in the Framework of Professional Technical Qualifications, which recognizes the formal and informal learning of people, thus democratizing access to education and ensuring a smooth transition to the world of work.
Regarding the pending issues, there is still to approach positions so that professional institutes can deliver postgraduate courses at a professional technical level. A topic of great relevance, as it would allow to climb in the levels of improvement of the students and thus respond in a specialized way to the productive demands of the country.

The issues are already defined and I hope that all the actors involved choose to give adequate support for their development, because I firmly believe that Professional Technical Education is called to be one of the pillars of Chile’s growth.

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Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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