IAEA inspectors arrived at The Ukrainian Zaporizhian Nuclear Power Plant

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) mission sent to investigate ukraine’s Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, controlled by Russian troops, is already at that facility, Ukraine’s Energoatom nuclear agency reported.
“The IAEA mission has reached the Zaporiya plant,” Fredrik Dahl, who is traveling with the team that must establish the situation at the plant, the largest in Europe, told EFE and has been subjected to attacks that have put its operation at risk.
According to the Interfax agency, the UN convoy, made up of nine vehicles, entered the territory of Europe’s largest atomic plant around 2.15 p.m. The group of 14 experts from the IAEA, the VIENNA-based UN nuclear agency, is tasked with assessing the situation in Zaporizhia, which was taken over by the Russian military more than six months ago.
Risk scales with each attack in the vicinity of nuclear power plant
The plant has been subjected to recent bombing that damaged some of its facilities, and the IAEA has been warning for months of the risk of a nuclear disaster and asking for permission to carry out this mission.
Today one of the reactors of the plant had to be stopped after in the early morning there were new bombings and attacks in the nearby area, from Kiev and Moscow accuse each other and that hindered the arrival of the IAEA mission to the nuclear power plant.
The Ria-Novosti agency also published a video of the convoy, made up especially of vehicles with the acronym of the UN, arriving at this plant that is controlled by Russian forces and was the subject of several bombings in recent weeks.

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