Colima will have virtual classes next week due to earthquake

The government of Colima reported that next week classes will be virtual for all levels and shifts, in order to assess the damage caused by the earthquakes of recent days in schools.
Between Monday 26 and Friday 30 September, classes will be remote, respecting the established schedules and with tolerance for students who have some difficulty for virtual activities.

The Government of the State of Colima through the Ministry of Education and Culture informs the following: Classes during the week between Monday 26 and Friday 30 September, will be held “remotely”, that is… 1/7
— Colima Government (@gobiernocolima) September 23, 2022

The government, through its Secretary of Education of the state, indicated that in the case of private schools and private nurseries they may have face-to-face activities only if they have opinions that guarantee that their facilities do not have structural damage and are safe.
The educational authorities indicated that they will continue with the evaluations of the schools and attending to the damages generated by the earthquakes that have been felt in the entity.
Read: Classes suspended in Michoacán and Colima due to earthquake, and in municipalities of three states due to Storm Madeline

He asked the management and support staff to be attentive to the call of the authorities to be present when specialized personnel come to carry out revisions and repairs in the schools.
“The government of Colima, headed by Governor Indira Vizcaíno, reaffirms its conviction that the priority is to safeguard the safety and well-being of the entire educational community, and that it is working in an intense and coordinated manner to achieve a safe return to face-to-face classes for all,” he said.
The University of Colima reported that they will also hold online classes next week.
Colima, one of the states most affected by earthquakes
Colima was one of the entities with the greatest damage caused by the magnitude 7.7 earthquake of September 19. The entity reported three deaths from the tremor, the last being a baby about 5 months old.
The greatest impact on housing by the earthquake occurred in Tecomán, Manzanillo, Armeria, Coquimatlán, Colima and Minatitlán.
On the morning of September 22, a second earthquake of magnitude 6.9 was registered with an epicenter in Coalcomán, Michoacán, which left material damage in municipalities of Colima.
After this earthquake, the authorities of Colima announced the suspension of classes.
This Friday, September 23, another earthquake of 5.2 degrees was registered with an epicenter in Tecomán, Colima.
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Original source in Spanish

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