Did you know how much maintenance your vehicle needs during its useful life?

Chileans have begun to show concern about extending the useful life of their vehicles as much as possible, however, a large majority does not know in technical matters the respective maintenance that their cars need and how often they must do them.
Although, each brand of vehicle determines the times or intervals for maintenance, it is convenient to be informed about how often to pay attention to certain elements that need to be checked.
Jorge Ganora, Chief of Operations at AutoExpertos.cl, details that the useful life of a standard vehicle is on average 18 years and that, taking that into consideration, it can be determined when to maintain each of its elements detailed below:
Activities included in the maintenance during the first year of use (between 10,000 and 20,000 km)
In most models of vehicles marketed in our country, during the first year of use, maintenance basically consists of changing the oil and engine oil filter.
On this occasion, it is possible that, depending on the conditions of use, you must include some additional filters such as the engine air filter and pollen filter or cabin filter (if the model includes it).
It also includes reviews and inspections without disarming the different systems of the vehicle, which allow to confirm that everything is in condition and there are no failures.
Finally, this first maintenance also includes a complete check of all the vehicle’s electrical systems.
Maintenance to be done during the second and third year of use (between 20,000 and 50,000 km)
As in the first maintenance, oil change and engine filter are included. This time it is very likely that you should include additional filters such as air filter, pollen filter and in some models you may need to change the petroleum or benzine filter.
Additionally, inspection and cleaning of brakes must be included, which will confirm the state or wear of pads and elements of this important system, finally, checking the steering system, electrical systems in general, battery and main rolling elements.
Maintenance to be done during the fourth and fifth year of use (between 50,000 and 80,000 km)
On this occasion, depending on the brand of the vehicle, we must be careful to include in the maintenance elements that we may have to add, for example, the spark plugs, in some models you may have to include change of the timing belt, this element is very important, because if by wear this belt is cut it can cause very serious damage to the engine.

Maintenance to be done during the fifth and sixth year of use (80,000 and 100,000 km)
Most of the elements discussed in the previous intervals will surely be repeated depending on the manufacturer’s specifications, but certainly at this stage of the life of your car we must include a review of tire wear and a review of the elements of the suspension and steering system, for example; shock absorbers, various bushings, trays, wheel bearings, steering terminals, clutch system, etc.
At this stage it is very likely that in some models it is necessary to include some fluids such as gearbox oils, coolant, brake fluid, etc.
Already past 6 years or 120,000 km traveled
In general, most brands repeat their maintenance cycles, therefore, if you are rigorous with these tips, you will be able to extend the life of your vehicle for several more years.
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Etiquetas: Chile

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