The judges asked CFK for a meeting over the Income Tax

The gemial and political entity of the federal and national justice, Association of Magistrates and Officials of the National Justice (AMFJN) requested a meeting with Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, in her capacity as president of the Senate, to discuss the draft 2023 Budget, which includes the payment of income tax for all members of the Judiciary, which will be discussed tomorrow in the Chamber of Deputies.
The meeting with the Vice President will take place next Wednesday at noon, after the 2023 Budget project is discussed in the Chamber of Deputies. 

The AMFJN also requested a meeting with Cecilia Moreau, president of the Chamber of Deputies, and through her and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner to all the congressional commissions that have intervention on the issue.

The president of the association, Marcelo Gallo Tagle, and four other representatives will hold a meeting this afternoon with the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation to analyze the tax. Even for tomorrow the union of judicial employees has planned a 24-hour strike.
In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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