Salta: a 3-year-old boy is in serious condition after flying an inflatable baseball player

A 3-year-old boy was seriously injured on a children’s birthday when an inflatable baseball player flew with him inside. He is currently hospitalized with severe head trauma and multiple traumas. The incident occurred this Sunday in the Salta town of San Lorenzo.

According to local media FM Profesional, the incident occurred amid strong gusts of wind that caused the bouncy castle to rise before parents could take out all the children who were playing inside. The inflatable rose more than three meters into the air and, seconds later, fell hard to the ground. At that time the child who was inside suffered heavy blows to the head and was transferred to the Maternal and Child Hospital of the provincial capital.

According to the medical report, the child arrived unconscious at the health center where they determined that he had suffered serious injuries, had to be applied mechanical respiratory assistance and was admitted to the intensive care unit. After a CT scan it was decided that he would be operated on by a neurosurgeon and after the operation the child remains in the intensive care unit in serious condition and sedated.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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