Angel de Brito revealed Jorge Rial’s request to kick Mariana Antoniale out of “Bailando”

After many twists and turns, Angel de Brito went to Carmen Barbieri’s program with the promise of return of kindness and the capocomic visit “LAM” at some point. There he was received, and embraced, by the driver of “Mañanisíma” who took advantage of the guest and did not deprive himself of touching any subject. One of them was the myth of the abrupt departure of Mariana “Loly” Antoniale from the media, who after the separation with Jorge Rial took another path and did not return to television. There, Angel said that when the actress entered the “Dancing for a Dream”, and during the contest she separated from the then driver of Intruders, he personally called Marcelo Tinelli to throw the participant out. Once Rial called Tinelli to be kicked out of the Bailando, he replied that no, he was in a contest and in fact he followed “I love the Niña Loly very much but she disappeared after the relationship with Jorge”, said the LAM driver and Pampito asked him: “Is it true that he closed doors for her?” Before the query, De Brito did not hesitate to say: “Once Rial called Tinelli to be kicked out of the Bailando, he replied that no, he was in a contest and in fact he continued,” he said. After the statement, he remarked: “He entered the girlfriend program, they separated in the middle and it became a topic; He was hated,” she said. Then he gave his theory of why the “Niña Loly” as she was known in the media opted for a low profile and expressed before the word of Estefi Berardi who said: “For me she is scared to death”. However, de Brito went another way and analyzed: “For me he made some arrangement with him, I do not think it is fear,” he concluded.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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