Court rejects request of the Prosecutor’s Office to advance statement of General (R) Rozas, for responsibility during “social outbreak”

The Seventh Court of Guarantee of Santiago rejected the request of the Public Ministry to advance the judicial statement of the former general director of Carabineros, Mario Rozas, in the framework of the case that investigates the role of the High Command of the police institution in the violations of Human Rights (DD.HH.) during the social outbreak of 2019.
The prosecutor Centro Norte Ximena Chong had argued that it was necessary to carry out this diligence by the end of this month, “in response to the duty of due diligence and reasonable time that should guide the judicial responses to investigations of this nature.” And although in the first instance it had had a favorable resolution, this time the court opted for the position of the defense of retired General Rozas.
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In this way, the court dismissed the request of the Public Ministry and maintained the date March 21, 2023, a statement that will be made in the presence of a guarantee judge. In its resolution, the court specified that this diligence “is a voluntary action of the accused, so that the investigation continues with its normal course, without implying a paralysis or obstruction to it.”
Close to Rozas’ defense stressed that this resolution implies a setback for prosecutor Chong. They pointed out that Rozas has already given voluntary testimony in two cases: the investigation for crimes against humanity, which is being carried out by the Prosecutor’s Office of the V Region, and the case in which the circumstances in which Gustavo Gatica was injured are investigated.
It is worth mentioning that, in addition, Rozas’ defense sent a request to the North Central Regional Prosecutor’s Office to marginalize the prosecutor in charge. In the opinion of Carabineros officer Chong, “he does not give guarantees of impartiality.”

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