Sinaloa sends support to the town of Jesús María, 2 days after the operation

The Sinaloa government will send aid to the syndicate of Jesús María, two days after the capture of Ovidio Guzmán López, during which time the residents were incommunicado and asking for help.
Neighbors of the town where the Army carried out an operation to arrest Ovidio Guzmán, were incommunicado, without drinking water or electricity service and with barricades and military checkpoints that until Friday afternoon prevented them from passing.
Read: Despite arrest of Ovidio Guzmán, Sinaloa Cartel maintains its strength

Governor Rubén Rocha Moya announced, through his Twitter account, that he will mobilize personnel from the State Health Secretariat and DIF Sinaloa, on the instruction of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
The Ministry of National Defense will also participate in the brigades of attention to the citizenship of Jesus Maria, a town that until Friday continued to be besieged by the Army, according to Noroeste in a tour.
The governor added that the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) will repair the supply network to restore electricity service in the community as soon as possible.

I have established communication with President @lopezobrador_, and he has instructed that jointly, the @sinaloagobmx through its areas of health and social assistance, as well as the @SEDENAmx, provide care to the population of the community of Jesus Maria.
— Rubén Rocha Moya (@rochamoya_) January 7, 2023

He reported that the service caravan was composed of personnel from the Army, Red Cross, DIF, among others.
“They go with the idea of attending to them, to restore their normality, to remove debris, to give them light,” Rocha Moya explained.
The governor asked the population of Jesus Maria to report on the sick or injured to the medical personnel who moved to the area in the caravan.
See also: Why does the US consider Ovidio Guzmán a ‘direct threat’?
According to the media, burned vehicles still remain obstructing the circulation of units at kilometers 202, from the south-north lane of the Mazatlán-Tepic free highway, at the height of La Loma Atravesada and the National Guard.
The vehicular passage from Escuinapa to Nayarit is free both on the Mazatlan-Tepic Highway and the Free Highway.
The road problem is from Rosario to Escuinapa by the free Mazatlán-Tepic, so only the lane from north to south is enabled. Large vehicles such as trailers and buses have to return and take the Highway to Escuinapa.
The Control and Command Center of the Government of Sinaloa reported that a single lane is enabled from North to South of the free highway Mazatlan-Tepic km 202, since there are still vehicles obstructing the circulation from South to North, so there will be traffic control to maintain constant road flow.
With information from Noroeste 
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