The Government of Santa Fe denounced NGOs for the attempt to hinder the ILE

The Government of Santa Fe denounced and will make available to Justice all the information available to it in the case in which the NGO Grávida “tried to prevent her right to decide” on the practice of an abortion to a 12-year-old girl abused by her father, official spokesmen reported. Through an official statement, the Government of Santa Fe indicated that “from the intervening areas of the State they filed a complaint with the Fiscal Unit of Gender, Family and Sexual Violence (Gefas).” The complaint was filed through the Secretariat for Children, Adolescents and the Family of the Ministry of Social Development; the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Equality, Gender and Diversidad.Se deals with the alleged violation of articles 262 and 263 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Santa Fe and in compliance with article 64 of Provincial Law number 12,967. The Government “will present to the Justice all the information concerning the interventions in the case of the abused 12-year-old girl in which an attempt would have been made to obstruct an ILE by people belonging to the NGO Grávida”. The province asked the Justice “to initiate the Preparatory Criminal Investigation to elucidate the corresponding responsibilities of those who acted” in the facts. In addition, they maintained that the “strategy was reconfigured when the girl and her mother gave their informed consent to proceed with a legal interruption of pregnancy.” For the Government, “it will be a task of the competent body to determine the actions and criminal classification -if applicable- of the facts that were introduced in the letter and that work in the accounts of all the people and professionals involved in said situation”. The letter is not published in full “because it contains private information that, if disseminated, would be revictimizing for the girl and her family.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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