Deputies present bill that criminalizes the apology of pedophilia

After the debate caused by the theses on pedophilia of the University of Chile, a group of deputies presented a bill that modifies the Criminal Code, typifying the crime of “apology to pedophilia”.
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According to the text presented by Deputy Gaspar Rivas (PDG), “this bill seeks to criminalize the apology, justification, promotion, exculpation, naturalization and normalization of pedophilia, an illicit act that will be aggravated in the event that the issuer of such statements does so in the context of academia or science. Freedom of expression has a limit, which is the understanding that it cannot be used to turn child abuse into a right or something natural and normal.”
The amendment seeks to criminally sanction all those persons who, orally, in writing, or by any means, directly or indirectly, apologize, promote, justify, exculpate, normalize or naturalize pedophilia. 
In addition, it emphasizes that “whoever uses his quality as an academic or scientist to commit the crime referred to in the previous paragraph using any means of social communication or academic publications, will be punished with the penalty of minor imprisonment in its medium degree, plus the perpetual inability to exercise academic positions.”
The legislative process was supported by the deputies René Alinco, Chiara Barchiesi, Miguel Ángel Calisto, María Luisa Cordero, Eduardo Durán, Pamela Jiles, Gaspar Rivas, Stephan Schubert and Cristóbal Urruticoechea. Now, it goes to the Committee on Constitution, Legislation, Justice and Regulations.

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Etiquetas: Chile

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