San Luis: a female Andean condor was released

A female Andean condor was released today in San Luis after being rescued last October at the viewpoint that connects Nogolí with Rio Grande, 40 kilometers from the capital of Puntana, by the provincial government. The female was released this morning after transiting her recovery at the Wildlife Conservation Center (CCVS), under the local Environment Secretariat. It is “Pullec Antu” which in Ranquel language means Soul of the Sun, who was rescued by the Environmental Police in the Los Lobos area, located in the department of Junín.En the Wildlife Conservation Center (CCVS) of La Florida received veterinary attention and went through for three and a half months the period of rehabilitation and flight to strengthen his muscles. Among the different actions that are carried out in order to conserve wildlife, the tracking of the bird through a location device will be implemented for the first time, informed sources of the Secretaria.La identification is applied intramuscularly and is counted in the national registry carried out by the Andean Condor Conservation Program (PCCA). The action allows to collect information about the food and problems that it goes through. The Andean condor is the largest flying bird in the world and one of the emblematic species of San Luis, occupying a central place in the worldview of the native peoples. In addition to playing a fundamental role in the Puntano ecosystem, it has great relevance in ancestral cultures as a symbol of strength, freedom, intelligence and exaltation. This species plays a key role in the ecosystems of Puntanos, since they feed on dead and decomposing animals, thus avoiding the proliferation of bacteria that can generate diseases in humans. They also help control the population of other scavenger species and thus contribute to maintaining the balance of the ecosystem.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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