San Juan presented 10 formulas of governor and vice president for the elections

On May 14, the province of San Juan will have elections and the inhabitants will have 10 formulas of governor and vice president to elect the next authorities. Among the options is the current president Sergio Uñac, who will seek re-election and the historic governor, José Luis Gioja, who will try to return to office. According to Telam, after the deadline for submitting lists, the Frente San Juan por Todos (formerly Frente de Todos) presented two lists to compete in the elections: one of them headed by Governor Uñac, accompanied by the mayor of San Martín, Cristian Andino as candidate for vice governor. For his part, the other formula of governor and vice president is headed by the national deputy, former governor and former president of the PJ, Gioja, accompanied by the mayor of the populous department of Chimbas, Fabián Gramajo.The elections in San Juan will be on May 14 under the Democratic Participation System (SIPAD)In turn, three fronts were presented in the opposition:* In Unidos por San Juan (formerly Together for Change) four government formulas were noted: Marcelo Orrego – Fabián Martín, Marcelo Arancibia – Oscar Marconi, Sergio Vallejos – Federica Mariconda and Eduardo Cáceres – Romina López.* On the Development and Freedom front there will be three formulas: Yolanda Agüero – Jorge Escobar, Paola Miers – Carlos Iramaín, and Agustín Ramirez – Eduardo Beatrice. * The left will have a single ticket in the Left and Workers Front (FIT), with Cristian Jurado as candidate for Governor of MTS New Left and teacher Gloria Cimino of the Socialist Left as vice governor.

Original source in Spanish

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