PSG won with Messi on the pitch amid whistles and applause

Although Paris Saint Germain beat Ajaccio 5-0, the team’s performance was overshadowed by whistles and boos against Lionel Messi, who returned to the starting line-up after the institution lifted the sanction for his trip to Saudi Arabia. From another sector of the stadium, fans in favor of Rosario responded with intense applause. In addition to the fact that the Rosario star received insults from the stadium when his name was announced by the voice of the stadium, the situation was evident in the first minutes of the game. As soon as he touched the ball, the boos intensified and everything got worse the moment the “Flea” went to throw a corner. Likewise, French journalists said that from another sector of the stadium they responded to the whistles with resounding applause that covered the insults. Anyway, PSG found the advantage in the 21st minute, when a moment of distraction from the defense left only Fabián Ruiz, who received an excellent clearance between the lines from Danilo and defined with the outside of the left foot. Twelve minutes later, Hakimi took advantage of a rebound after an individual action by Kylian Mbappé and scored the second of the match. As soon as the second half began, the French striker put the 3-0 after a bland response from the rival defense. But the game would not stop there, since at 53′ Mbappé received a long pass and, after a failure of the defense, he volleyed the ball and fulminated to the goal of François-Joseph Sollacaro to score the fourth. In the absence of 15 minutes for the closing of the match, after a great individual action of the Frenchman, it was Marquinhos who appeared to seal the final 5-0 of the local team.

Original source in Spanish

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