Tan Bionica in Vélez | Ticket sales started: prices, locations and how to buy

This Tuesday, May 16 from 10 am the presale of tickets for the return of Tan Bionica in Vélez was enabled.At this stage, only Santander American Express customers will be able to buy presale tickets for 48 hours or until stock runs out (whichever comes first) in up to 6 interest-free installments. Tickets can be purchased by clicking here. Once this instance is exhausted, it will immediately go to the general sale of tickets open to the public. For Personal customers, the benefit of 15% discount with Club Personal is available while stocks last. PRICES AND LOCATIONSFRONT FIELD |  $30.000 + S/C
GENERAL FIELD | $16.000 + S/C
PLATEA SUR BAJA | $23.000 + S/C
LOW NORTH PLATEA | $23.000 + S/C
PLATEA ALTA SUR | $15.000 + S/CEThe long-awaited return of the Buenos Aires band was announced at Chano’s show at Lollapalooza Argentina 2023. Since then, he has been waiting for the announcement of this unmissable show for his fans. Now, next October 28 will be the date for them to relive the magic of their four albums with all their audience.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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