Lula rejected Putin’s invitation to the “Russian Davos”: Why will he be absent?

This Friday, the president of Brazil, Lula Da Silva, announced that he rejected the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin to attend the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg (SPIEF), which is also known as the “Russian Davos”, something that refers to the World Economic Forum that takes place in Switzerland. ” I just spoke on the phone with the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin. I thanked him for the invitation to attend the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg and replied that I could not go to Russia for the time being, but I reiterated Brazil’s willingness, along with India, Indonesia and China, to dialogue with both sides of the conflict in pursuit of peace,” Lula said on his Twitter account. The Brazilian president, who recently proposed himself as a mediator in an eventual negotiation to end the war and who was accused of being “lukewarm” for his position regarding the conflict, did not clarify the reasons for his absence. In addition, last weekend, during the G7 to which he was invited, Lula was annoyed because he starred in a disagreement with Ukrainian President Volodímir Zelensky, although he also declared that the meeting did not make much sense because neither of the two parties to the conflict show signs of wanting peace. It should be noted that this event known as the “Russian Davos”, which will be between June 14 and 17, brings together entrepreneurs and international leaders since 1997. In the past year, about 14,000 participants have gathered and agreements worth 5.67 trillion rubles were signed.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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