Martino on Inter Miami’s victory without Messi: “We are supporting actors”

After getting an important 3-1 victory against Sporting KC for the 31st round of Major League Soccer, Inter Miami, which could not count on Lionel Messi because he is with the Argentine National Team, was one step closer to the playoff zone. Once the match was over, coach Gerardo Martino said that “I do not think it prudent to have to talk to the other Leo (Scaloni) between the matches of the National Team, they are in their own and we in ours. The Leo player knows that he has to comply there and here when he returns he will do it here”. On the goal that Messi scored against Ecuador in the first round of qualifiers, he said that “what he did, instead of being a Hollywood or Miami movie, was a Buenos Aires movie. He’s been doing the same thing for 20 years.” On the other hand, he referred to the absence of the Rosario and how it affects the team: “What we know is that when he is on the field we are all better, those inside, those outside, and we are capable of winning any type of game. For a group of players who work so hard and are teammates with the best in the world, when they don’t play, it’s comforting for them to know they can win.” Finally, he explained that “we are aware of what is happening, there is a banner that is Leo, we know the effort of the leaders, the rest of us are columned and enjoy so far. He’s the protagonist and we’re supporting actors that we’re enjoying.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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