Patricia Bullrich and Javier Milei met again on television: “What a revolution we put together”

The presidential candidate of La Libertad Avanza, Javier Milei, and the head of the PRO, Patricia Bullrich, appeared for the first time in public after the former presidential candidate of Juntos por el Cambio announced her support for the libertarian in the runoff on November 19 with Sergio Massa, of Unión por la Patria. in the studies of TN. There were hugs and handshakes. “May it be a good government” and “what a revolution we are making” were some of the winks exchanged by the opposition leaders, bitter enemies until a few days ago. That enmity was left in the past after Milei was willing to “shuffle and give again” regarding his relationship with Bullrich and the former security minister announced at a press conference her support for the economist after a meeting on Tuesday night at the home of Mauricio Macri. We forgive each other, today the homeland needs us to be able to forgive each other because something very important for the future is at stake,” Bullrich explained this new stage of his relationship with the libertarian. “When the homeland is in danger, everything is allowed except not defending it,” he justified his decision, which he announced at a press conference together with his former running mate, the radical Luis Petri.The support of the presidential binomial for Milei’s candidacy was sponsored by former President Macri, who hosted the meeting in which the libertarian and the former Minister of Security ironed out rough edges ahead of the second round of the presidential election. November. The move caused a rift within the opposition alliance. It is that several coalition leaders interpret that Macri and his former official “cut themselves” when the parties that make up JxC, especially the PRO and the UCR, its main shareholders, had not met to agree on a position, and they suspect that the speed with which the announcement was resolved hides a co-governance agreement. I didn’t know anything, it was a midnight meeting, in secret. I had breakfast with a lot of surprise about that meeting. I don’t know what they talked about, what they agreed, I don’t know anything,” said the head of the Buenos Aires government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, who gave a conference to make his position explicit: “Both options are very bad for all Argentines.” Along these lines, but with stronger criticisms of Macri and Bullrich, radicalism also pronounced itself dispensable. “The UCR will not support either candidate. Neither of them guarantees a future for Argentina,” Gerardo Morales and Martin Lousteau said in a statement. I was shocked by the news. He didn’t even call me on the phone to get me through. It is very irresponsible,” said the president of the UCR. And he said: “It is a great lack of respect for radicalism that we do not forgive.” Macri and Bullrich decided to leave Together for Change. Two people cannot speak as if they represented the entire party,” added the national senator and former candidate for head of government of Buenos Aires.

Original source in Spanish

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