Máximo Thomsen continued his statements about Fernando Báez Sosa: “Mistakes are paid for and I’m here paying for what I did”

“For me it was a blink of an eye.” Máximo Thomsen continued his account of the events that involved him in the attack and homicide of Fernando Báez Sosa, the law student, committed on the night of January 18, 2020 at the door of the Le Brique bowling alley in Villa Gesell.You may also be interested in: Máximo Thomsen broke the silence: “I participated, I hit Fernando Báez Sosa but I never wanted it to end like this”After four years in which he maintained silence on the recommendation of his lawyer, Hugo Tomei (who represented the entire group of accused rugby players), Thomsen changed his defender Francisco Oneto (former candidate for vice-governor of the Province of Buenos Aires for La Libertad Avanza), and decided to speak out for the first time. Testimony that he chose to give to journalist Rolando Barbano, to Telenoche. The interview was broadcast in two parts: a first block, on Tuesday 28 and the final fragment, yesterday, Wednesday 29, which focused on the succession of events after the attack on Báez Sosa, on Avenue 3 of the coastal city. I went to change, because (the house where they were staying) was nearby, and I was hungry,” he said of the first thing he did. Regarding the trace of blood on the shoe, he indicated that he did not detect it until before the forensic examination and emphasized that his intention to change was “to be more comfortable.” Regarding the audio message that Lucas Pertossi sends to the group with the term “expired,” Máximo maintains: “I saw that message in the trial,” and pointed out that he did not see the cell phone at that time because “I was dizzy.” “I just wanted to eat and lie down to sleep.” Then, when they met, and his friend commented to him personally, he recalled, “I saw him worried and told him it could have been another fight.” Another resonant issue in the process was the arrest of Pablo Ventura, the young man also from Zárate. Barbano asked him if he was the one who accused him. Thomsen replied, “Yes, but I didn’t see it as accusing because I didn’t realize what had really happened. I remember when we were on the floor with the seals, I threw up, I was confused. Then a police officer grabbed me, pulled me aside and began to ask me questions: that I was looking for someone else, that there was one more, that I should tell him that they were going to help me in the trial, that this could have a sentence of 25 years. I started to get scared, I remember my legs were shaking, and I gave a name of someone they couldn’t link to us. I was waiting for the moment to be able to apologize to him because I understand that four days passed from something that we went through with absolutely nothing to do with it.” Máximo Thomsen: “Mistakes are paid for and I’m here paying for what I did”In another excerpt of the interview, Thomsen told details of the first meeting with his family. “I always told my mom the same thing, from the first day until today,” she explained, “It was difficult because it was a horrible place (the space where they were allowed to meet). I didn’t want him to go through all this. When I saw her, I told her. She wanted to believe that I hadn’t been, that I was far away and I told her: no mommy, I was there, I participated, I hit, I’m sorry. But at this point, forgiveness is no longer enough.” I’m just another friend who was there and what happened happened. I always wanted to take responsibility for what I did, because mistakes are paid for and I’m here paying but I want to be blamed for what happened,” he added, while the journalist asked him about what he feels he is being blamed for and what he didn’t do. “Of intending to kill him. It would never have crossed my mind and it’s something I don’t assume,” he replied. Thomsen was sentenced to life imprisonment along with Matías Benicelli (who also changed his defense), Enzo Comelli (with whom he shares a cell), Ciro and Luciano Pertossi in the Melchor Romero prison. Meanwhile, Ayrton Violaz, Blas Cinali and Lucas Pertossi were sentenced to 15 years.” We have four hours that we share with the rest of the detainees. The only thing that gives you the strength to endure are the visits that they allow us once a week and it is what we look forward to the most. You cope with it as best you can; to fight to be with them outside,” he detailed about the contact with his relatives and also revealed that while there he had a girlfriend for two years. As for the treatment inside the prison, Máximo stated that he is not judged in his ward. “They tell me, that could have happened to me. In others, yes, they point at me, they yell at me.” Towards the end of the note, he confirmed that he thinks of Fernando and answered what he would say to his mother Graciela Sosa and his father Silvino Báez. “May he rest in peace and find peace in his heart. All I have to say is ‘sorry, sorry, sorry’; I know it’s not enough and I don’t ask for forgiveness because I know that if I were on the other sideOr the capable side would think the same, but let them know that what they say happened is not so. I pray every night for him to have peace,” she concluded through tears. For his part, Oneto focuses his work as a new defense attorney on reducing Thomsen’s life sentence.

Original source in Spanish

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