Hooded men steal electoral material in Jacona – MonitorExpresso.com

Jacona, Michoacán.- On Sunday morning, armed and hooded individuals stole electoral material from seven polling places in the municipality of Jacona, Rigoberto Márquez Verduzco, representative of the Morena party, reported to the Electoral Institute of Michoacán (IEM). He also emphasized the need for transparency and order during the electoral process. Rigoberto insisted that such incidents should be dealt with as a priority by the IEM General Council and that the electoral authorities remain vigilant and take swift action in the event of any irregularity. Places where the thefts of electoral material took place:°Vasco de Quiroga Street.
°Colonia La Enramada.
°Caelius River.
It should be recalled that last Saturday night Israel Delgado Vega, representative of the PT, Morena and Green Party coalition, who aspired to the Cuitzeo syndicate was murdered.The crime occurred when Delgado was sitting outside his home in the town of San Juan Benito Juárez. The violent act was condemned by several political actors.

Original source in Spanish

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