Guillermo Valencia questions the results of the voting in Morelia –

Morelia, Mich.- On June 4, during a press conference, the state president of the PRI, Guillermo Valencia Reyes, said that the results were shown in an atypical way in which Morena won the 4 districts of the municipality but the PAN-PRD coalition won the presidency with Alfonso Martinez. The party president shared that he has charts showing an abnormality in the polls conducted before the elections and the results of the voting. In the micro-survey carried out by INDES, data are presented that place Carlos Torres Piña with 41 percent of voting intentions by citizens, unlike Alfonso Martinez with 35 percent and René Valencia with 12 percent. He mentions that these results showed a twist in the elections declaring Alfonso as the winner, so there could be a possible collaboration of another party in these changes of numbers, in addition to the fact that the crossing of votes and the recent issue of the warehouse with electoral material and pantries that supposedly belonged to the candidates Rene Valencia and Torres Piña, influenced the outcome of the election. He considers that the PRI candidate achieved a high number in the votes, having reached 13.6 percent in the elections with 49,972 votes. He acknowledged to Rene’s team that even when he ran as a last-minute candidate, without the necessary resources and with the not so favorable conditions in which the party is, he was able to collect a high number of votes. “If the party had the strength that Morena has right now, with René I would ‘sweep them all,'” Memo said. If there had been a coalition of the PAN-PRD-PRI in Morelia, the “artificial triumph” that Alfonso Martinez had would have been “natural,” in addition to the fact that they would have won three local districts, it would have given strength to everyone, not just to one person, said President Guillermo. He ended by saying that he does not plan to challenge Alfonso’s candidacy “we are going to evaluate it, obviously there was something strange.” Regarding what happened with the winery, he stated that this issue should be investigated and that the prosecutor’s office should resolve it, but he does not trust that this will be the case, “it is not going to happen, the prosecutor protects Alfonso, he has been protecting him for years.”

Original source in Spanish

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