What is the origin of the surname of the next president of Mexico? – MonitorExpresso.com

Mexico. – Claudia Sheinbaum, the next president of Mexico, has traced a historic path in the country’s politics. After her apparently resounding victory in the 2024 elections, where she became the first woman to lead the nation, all eyes are focused not only on her promising future management, but also on the origins of her surname, Sheinbaum.The Sheinbaum surname has deep roots in Jewish culture, with Israel being one of the countries where it is most common to find it. Not only does this aspect add an interesting dimension to their family history, but it also reflects their Sephardic and Ashkenazi heritage. Claudia’s paternal family emigrated from Lithuania to Mexico in the 1920s, while her mother, Annie Pardo Cemo, and her Sephardic family arrived from Sofia, Bulgaria, in 1940, fleeing the Holocaust. The union of these two Jewish traditions is intertwined in Sheinbaum’s story, a history marked by the political activism of her parents. Annie and Carlos, Claudia’s parents, immersed themselves in Mexican leftist activism since the 1960s. This family committed to the cause decided to settle in the south of Mexico City, near the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), where Claudia studied. The origins of his surname not only offer a window into his family past, but also highlight the diversity and cultural richness that characterize Mexico. With her election as president, Sheinbaum embodies a new stage in the country’s political history, where diversity and social commitment are emerging as fundamental pillars for change and progress.

Original source in Spanish

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