For Adorni, the Government “does not have to prove Pettovello’s innocence”

Presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni on Monday reiterated his support for Sandra Pettovello and said that the government “does not have to prove the innocence” of its Minister of Human Capital in the case that investigates alleged corruption maneuvers in the ministry. In response to the question of the journalist Nicolás Gallardo, from CNN Radio, on whether the government has evidence to prove the innocence of its official, the spokesman maintained that “the work it has been doing should” be sufficient proof.” The truth is that Pettovello is the greatest there is, she is a sensational minister, she is good, she is decent and she is giving absolutely everything,” Adorni said. Visibly annoyed by the reporter’s re-questioning of whether that was the official argument to defend his minister, Adorni added: “Innocence is not proven, my friend. It seems to me that you have a conceptual problem. In such a case, if you have something to accuse her of, you do it, you go to court and, in such a case, Pettovello will defend himself. The government does not have to prove Pettovello’s innocence.” Asked if Pettovello will go to Congress this week to answer about the contracts through the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI) and the food stockpiled, Adorni replied that it is not yet defined. At the same time, he ruled out further resignations in the area.

Original source in Spanish

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